Selingan Island, also known as Turtle Island, is located in the Sulu Sea, off the northeastern coast of the state of Sabah, Malaysia. It is part of the Turtle Islands Park, which comprises three islands: Selingan, Bakungan Kecil, and Gulisan. Selingan Island is the largest and most popular island among the three.

The main attraction of Selingan Island is its turtle conservation program. The island is an important nesting site for green turtles and hawksbill turtles. Visitors have the opportunity to witness the nesting and hatching process of these endangered species. The island is carefully managed to protect the turtles and their habitats.

Tourists can stay overnight on Selingan Island in basic accommodations provided by the park. During the night, visitors are guided to the beach to observe the turtles coming ashore to lay their eggs. The eggs are collected and reburied in a protected hatchery, ensuring the safety of the eggs until they hatch. Once the baby turtles emerge from their nests, visitors can participate in the release of the hatchlings into the sea.

Apart from turtle conservation activities, Selingan Island offers beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, and opportunities for snorkeling and diving. It’s a popular destination for nature lovers and those interested in marine conservation.

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